If you really want to get down to it, we’re just your friendly neighborhood advocates for alternative head spaces.
Zak, Shai and Lou.
After a decade of working in the cannabis industry we finally said Ok Drugs, and the response was an astounding “WTF is Ok Drugs?” but that just made us love it more. A funny thing happened once we’d escaped the corporate hamster wheel/rat cage/rodent metaphor and stopped to appreciate the epic micro moments that surround us.
It’s a sort of supplement for self improvement…a magic bullet pointed straight at mindfulness…something that helps shape the way you view the world around you.
Hi, it’s us, OK Drugs. Nice to meet you.
If you’re here it’s probably because you want to know
more about us. Weird. Still, we’ll indulge you.

Not sure where you are, but you are definitely here.